- At birth perip retina well developed (temporal bit more than nasal)
- Postnatally most important change is @ macula. Recent studies show development of fovea lasts beyond 3rd postnatal yr, when foveal width + cone diameter have reached adult levels.
- Much of the postnatal development of VA results from foveal cone maturation.
Myelination in visual pathways
- Incomplete at birth. Midbrain fully myelinated @ 3 months, Optic nerve/tract @ 2 yrs, extrastriate areas/intracortical neurones @ mid childhood
- Number of cells is complete @ birth but they grow in size/synapse numbers/interconnectivity especially during first 6 mths. Max density occurs @ 8mths-2yrs then declines to adult levels (60% of max) by age 11
- Preferential looking - can do VA, stereo acuity, vernier acuity, colour vision, dark adaptation
- VEPs - w/flash & patterned stimuli, applicable to any age, VEP disappears when pattern can no longer be resolved
- OKN - repetitive eye movements induced by moving visual field VA = finest pattern that induces the movement
Contrast Sensitivity
- Newborn - 1 month don't show low freq attenuation. Sensitivity greatly reduced
- At 2-3 mths shape of function similar to adult one but is shifted to lower spat.freq. and lower sensitivities
- CSF nearly adult-like at seven months (VEP) or 3-5 yrs (behavioural data)
- Newborn around +2.00 with SD of +2.75
- 6-8 yr old +0.25 SD +1.00
- Passive emmetropisation occurs w/normal eye growth. Optical bits decrease in power to comp for eye growth, reducing Rx
- Active emmetropisation is less understood but it's the role of visual feedback in controlling eye growth. Visual system seems to recognise the value/direction of refractive error and guides the growth accordingly. Can be disrupted by, ptosis etc
- 80% of full term kids hyperopic. Range of refractive errors tends to decrease during first year of life. Hyperopia declines in the first year onset 3-8 months. In 82% of children emmetrop. complete within 12 months
- Astig common during first 18 months. Most of it is corneal
- If emmet. fails and rx is +3.50 or more/+0.75 astig into the second year then incidence of amblyopia/strab is greatly increased.
- Anisometropia not the norm in kids older than 2-3months of age.
- Significant Rx after one year of age = +3.50 hyperopia, +1.00D astig, +1.00D anisometropia.
- Best to correct any myopia if significant in the second year. Premature babies tend to be more myopic
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